Sometimes I get discouraged by my sin. I wonder how God can look past it all and still love me. I mean seriously, I’m no serial killer but I’m no saint. I can only look to the word of God to find comfort. 2 Timothy has some encouragement. Chapter 1 vs 9 says, “… (Christ)who has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time.”
There is nothing I could have ever done to earn this grace, yet is has been given to me.
I read this and have hope. Hope that my love for Christ will help me through anything I am struggling with. When I find myself falling short (which is everyday) I know that the grace that Christ has afforded me will surpass all that I can do or will ever do.
This was taken from my personal journal