Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Know Me!

In 2000, at the age of 18, I went to Japan for the first time. Since then, I have never been the same. My passion and dream has been to live and work in Japan. In the summer of 2008 I was once again able to go to Japan and teach. I was uncertain if my feelings and desires to be in Japan would still be there after 8 years. Within a short period of time I knew that nothing had changed except for wanting to be in Japan even more.

Now with orientation coming up in December and the possibility of being in Japan as soon as March I’m looking to raise some money. A lot of times people will just say, “Hey pray for me!” While, this is appropriate and welcomed I need to raise some money for my trip. As one of my professors used to say, “I covet your prayers”. I don’t however, covet your money. I understand that not every can give…but for those that can I would really appreciate it!


Here is what I will be using the money for:

I need a place to live and will need rent money for the first month.

I’m going to need to buy a plane ticket…which will be one way but still expensive non the less.

Food…people need to eat and that people is me!

I won’t have a car (possibly a car for work but not for personal use) and will need money to get around.


If you have questions for me please don’t hesitate to call me, facebook me, tweet me, friendster me, myspace me…whatever! Just ask…you know me!


Please check out http://funds.gofundme.com/a32gk to donate and help send me to Japan. Thank you!

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